Final scores in Basic ranged from a low of 2,346.9 to a high of 4,912.8 (a range of 2,565.9)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | |||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 1 | ||||||
Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | ||||
1 | Federico Gattas ; ACON#102 |
4,912.8 60.7% |
1,000.0 62.7% |
1,000.0 60.6% |
thrown |
thrown |
1,000.0 63.8% |
1,000.0 64.4% |
912.8 52.0% |
2 | Joaquin Lopez (Extra) ; ACON#110 |
4,641.8 55.8% |
thrown |
thrown |
920.7 51.8% |
855.8 50.5% |
999.5 63.7% |
943.6 60.7% |
922.3 52.5% |
3 | Juan Manuel Mancino (Extra) ; ACON#108 |
4,596.1 55.6% |
913.5 57.3% |
thrown |
910.3 |
903.7 53.3% |
54.4% thrown |
868.6 55.9% |
1,000.0 56.9% |
4 | Jordi Rius (Laser) ; ACON#107 |
4,359.7 51.6% |
thrown |
899.5 54.5% |
951.6 53.5% |
961.4 56.7% |
758.1 48.3% |
thrown |
789.2 44.9% |
5 | Osvaldo Martinez (Extra 260) ; ACON#111 |
4,309.8 52.3% |
869.0 54.5% |
912.0 55.3% |
thrown |
1,000.0 59.0% |
thrown |
799.6 51.5% |
729.2 41.5% |
6 | Damian Castello (Yak 55) ; ACON#100 |
4,230.4 50.2% |
thrown |
866.1 52.5% |
817.9 46.0% |
868.9 51.3% |
843.4 53.8% |
thrown |
834.2 47.5% |
7 | Francisco Cano (Epsilon) ; ACON#112 |
4,179.8 49.5% |
thrown |
752.7 45.6% |
987.3 55.5% |
800.1 47.2% |
818.5 52.2% |
thrown |
821.3 46.7% |
8 | Mauricio Camacho (Extra) ; ACON#113 |
3,649.6 43.7% |
thrown |
thrown |
817.7 46.0% |
758.4 44.7% |
639.9 40.8% |
691.8 44.5% |
741.9 42.2% |
9 | Cristian Ginestar (Extra 300) ; ACON#109 |
2,346.9 28.4% |
thrown |
thrown |
659.9 37.1% |
595.3 35.1% |
515.7 32.9% |
576.1 37.1% |
0.0 0.0% |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~1000 max points each. (Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Sportsman ranged from a low of 3,284.0 to a high of 5,000.0 (a range of 1,716.0)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | |||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 1 | ||||||
Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | ||||
1 | Luis Bujaldon (Extra 300) ; ACON#204 |
5,000.0 61.3% |
1,000.0 65.1% |
1,000.0 60.8% |
thrown |
1,000.0 62.8% |
1,000.0 63.0% |
thrown |
1,000.0 55.1% |
2 | Carlos Diaz (Extra) ; ACON#203 |
4,926.3 60.2% |
thrown |
978.4 |
1,000.0 64.8% |
59.6% thrown |
971.2 61.2% |
1,000.0 61.7% |
976.7 53.8% |
3 | Francisco Eterovich (Yak 54) ; ACON#200 |
3,512.5 43.3% |
770.3 50.1% |
812.9 49.4% |
684.6 44.4% |
thrown |
thrown |
701.8 43.3% |
543.0 29.9% |
4 | Blas Ocampo (Extra) ; ACON#208 |
3,484.5 42.8% |
thrown |
thrown |
678.3 44.0% |
624.2 39.2% |
707.6 44.6% |
820.5 50.6% |
653.8 36.0% |
5 | Cristian Barrera (Extra 330) ; ACON#207 |
3,284.0 41.0% |
752.4 49.0% |
thrown |
684.7 44.4% |
678.5 42.6% |
639.3 40.3% |
thrown |
529.1 29.1% |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~1000 max points each. (Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Intermediate ranged from a low of 3,744.7 to a high of 5,000.0 (a range of 1,255.3)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | |||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 1 | ||||||
Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | ||||
1 | Francisco Bujaldon (Extra 300) ; ACON#304 |
5,000.0 67.6% |
1,000.0 67.7% |
1,000.0 67.2% |
1,000.0 70.4% |
1,000.0 68.2% |
thrown |
thrown |
1,000.0 64.8% |
2 | Lucio Iannizotto (Slick 580) ; ACON#307 |
4,886.8 65.2% |
975.3 66.0% |
thrown |
959.9 67.5% |
thrown |
967.7 63.9% |
1,000.0 64.8% |
983.9 63.8% |
3 | Jose Maria Sanchez (Extra 300) ; ACON#306 |
4,398.3 58.7% |
thrown |
856.5 57.5% |
55.8% thrown |
916.9 62.5% |
898.3 59.4% |
827.3 |
899.4 58.3% |
4 | Tomas Brachman (Extra 300) ; ACON#308 |
4,343.6 58.1% |
thrown |
thrown |
905.6 63.7% |
878.9 59.9% |
871.1 57.6% |
909.3 58.9% |
778.7 50.5% |
5 | Diego Nuņez (Extra 330SC) ; ACON#303 |
3,838.5 50.9% |
thrown |
764.1 51.3% |
thrown |
799.7 54.5% |
794.3 52.5% |
854.0 55.3% |
626.3 40.6% |
6 | Mariano Palau (Extra ) ; ACON#309 |
3,744.7 50.2% |
thrown |
705.7 47.4% |
716.5 50.4% |
745.7 50.8% |
thrown |
765.0 49.6% |
811.8 52.6% |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~1000 max points each. (Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Advanced ranged from a low of 4,855.6 to a high of 5,000.0 (a range of 144.4)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | |||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 1 | ||||||
Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | ||||
1 | Mariano Suter (Sukhoi Su-29) ; ACON#402 |
5,000.0 55.0% |
1,000.0 55.2% |
1,000.0 54.9% |
thrown |
1,000.0 54.3% |
1,000.0 58.6% |
thrown |
1,000.0 51.6% |
2 | Fausto Bujaldon (Slick 580) ; ACON#400 |
4,855.6 52.1% |
thrown |
thrown |
966.3 52.1% |
993.2 53.9% |
899.9 52.7% |
1,000.0 50.1% |
996.1 51.4% |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~1000 max points each. (Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Unlimited ranged from a low of 3,929.6 to a high of 5,000.0 (a range of 1,070.4)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Known | Unknown [us] | |||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 1 | ||||||
Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | Seq 1 | Seq 2 | ||||
1 | Marcelo Zini (Extra 300 L) ; ACON#500 |
5,000.0 59.0% |
thrown |
thrown |
1,000.0 61.1% |
1,000.0 59.6% |
1,000.0 58.3% |
1,000.0 62.1% |
1,000.0 52.9% |
2 | Marcos Bujaldon (Slick 580) ; ACON#501 |
3,929.6 47.2% |
thrown |
1,000.0 |
55.2% thrown |
958.1 57.1% |
934.0 54.4% |
929.7 57.8% |
107.8 5.7% |
[us] - Unknown rounds were scaled to ~1000 max points each. (Unknowns weighted as 20% of the total score.)
Final scores in Freestyle ranged from a low of 610.1 to a high of 1,000.0 (a range of 389.9)
Rank | Pilot | Final Score | Freestyle |
Round 1 | |||
1 | Francisco Bujaldon (Extra 300) ; ACON#304 |
1,000.0 | 1,000.0 |
2 | Tomas Brachman (Extra 300) ; ACON#308 |
956.6 | 956.6 |
3 | Fausto Bujaldon (Slick 580) ; ACON#400 |
882.1 | 882.1 |
4 | Lucio Iannizotto (Slick 580) ; ACON#307 |
830.4 | 830.4 |
5 | Joaquin Lopez (Extra) ; ACON#110 |
610.1 | 610.1 |
Note: Flights without a scale pilot and panel installed are assessed a penalty.
In this report, no pilots were assessed the missing pilot/panel penalty.
Report Parameters: Divisions=Basic,Sportsman,Intermediate,Advanced,Unlimited; Knowns=Yes; Unknowns=Yes; Freestyle=Yes; Rounds=1-20
Score! v4.25.2; Elapsed time to create report: 2193ms